Saturday, January 23, 2010


I sit here tonight typing while watching my bride bustle around the house. It's bedtime for the boyz and my bride is helping the kiddos brush teeth. I was responsible for batheing the older two and reading with them. She took care of everything else - the baby and his bath, staightening up the house, doing the dishes after dinner. Seems I got off extremely light, AGAIN.

This is a rare weekend night home for me. My job keeps me booked most weekends and I am in the 5 month of 6 straight months working second shift (2:30pm - 11:00pm). My bride misses me when I work so much at night. She misses the help at bedtime. And having been home for two bedtimes in a row, I understand why.

My bride also misses hanging out at night with her man. Before this shift work job, I was home almost every night (except when I was making extra money as a basketball referee). We used to sit at home at night and do nothing but watch TV and eat. This is the biggest problem in our marriage - when we are together, we would rather sit and do nothing with eachother then get anything on the "honey-do-list" accomplished.

I have heard so many people over the years talk about how miserable they are when they are at home. Or the guys who would rather be anywhere than at home. I have actually heard people say before they are only with their spouse because it costs too much to get a divorce.

I am blessed to truly ENJOY my bride. I love being at home with her and the boyz. I actually miss my family when I am gone from them. And here's the crazy thing - they love having me around. It's amazing to be married to someone I consider my best friend. Now we have our moments like any couple, but I love being with my bride.

It's funny - when she is moving around the house trying to get things in their place, I often make her stop for a kiss, a hug or just to stop and look at me. This is annoying for her 'cuz she's in a groove and wants to get things done so she can be finished and then sit.
That's our theme for the last eight plus years - sitting. It's why we both gained about 35 lbs. our first year of marriage. It's why none of the stuff that needs to be done around the house gets finished. It's why we still don't exercise or read or doing anything "that would be productive." We love to be together as a couple and as a family - and there is nothing wrong with that.
May you understand that quality time spent with your loved ones is what they will remember, not how big the house was or how well your 401(k) is doing. May you remember it's not about the possessions of life but about the passion for living.

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