Saturday, January 2, 2010

more resolutions????

so I am sitting looking over my amazing blogs from 2009.

WOW!!!! two whole entries that didn't get me out of the month of January.

my baby brother (who is by no means a baby anymore) told me today that I should try to do this more regularly. one of my other brothers seems to have declared this will be the year he blogs more.

frankly, the more I say I will blog, the less I write. that's the way I am about most things....lots of good intentions until other bigger and better things come along. and after all, how presumptuous is it of me to assume anyone but me will read what I type??

anyway, if you are still reading along - my wife and I have been talking since our third son was born about 5 months ago about the need for us to get on the "eat right, exercise more" band wagon. the problem for me is I enjoy food too much. and it is never the food that is good for you that I crave. french fries, meat lovers pizza, pasta, Peanut M&M's, cheeseburgers from 5 Guys and the list could go on. it's not until you get to the mid 200's on this "list" that you will begin to see anything that remotely resembles "good for you" food.

so last week, I started counting calories thanks to an app on my Crackberry. I have exercised twice this week which is about 2 more times than I exercised in the previous 3 months. the app says that I am sitting at a net calorie difference of -6700, which I guess is good. the real test will be Monday morning when I step on the scale to see if starving myself this week has been worth it.

isn't that what most resolutions do to us? we vow to change a poor lifestyle behavior. think about it. i am fat, so i resolve to eat less and exercise more. i drink too much alcohol, so i vow to drink less. i am mean to my co-workers, so i will be kind. all of these things have good intentions behind them. until the stress of life gets to us and we revert back to our bad habits. seems there may be something larger behind our self-destructive behavior and maybe a better solution than broken resolutions....

i am going to try and stay with my resolution to be in better physical health. how come i have a sneaking suspicion that goal may end up like my blogging did last year?

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